Do not visit

My friend and neighbor Stefene Russell has been blogging (!), a fact recently tipped by Our Man in China, oldtasty. This wonderfully esoteric writer was even a bit sheepish when I asked about the site’s status, suggesting that it wasn’t meant to be read by the masses, an unfair outcome, if you ask me. Thus, I am not encouraging you to visit this wonderful little corner of the web and I’m not making it easy to arrive there.


Like so many of you, I caught ’80s supergroup Asia at Pop’s last night. Though calling the band a supergroup these days would be a stretch – at points, I felt as if I was actually watching a tribute band – it was, at least, some strange pleasure to hear tracks like “Heat of the Moment,” “Only Time will Tell” and “Go” in all their decibel-ringing glory.

And while standing there, in the time warp of an Asia show at Pop’s, I realized how fun it will be to have a blog dedicated to local pop culture. Though there are some technical bugs to sift through, my pals Stefene Russell, Andrea Avery and I will be posting at a new blog site in a week, or so, with some publishing plans (as on paper) in the near future, as well. More details as they become available.

‘Til then, the 2,000-word Asia review that’s stuck in my head will simply have to exist there. So sad.

Settling in

First post from the new office space above the Hartford Coffee Company, in scenic South City. For years, this kind of venue seemed a needless extra, but with work contintually grinding to a halt in the home setting, it proved nothing less than essential. A few days in, the results have been okay. Conversely, perhaps, the people-watching has gotten even better. Idle moments at the window, gazing at the intersection of Roger and Hartford, is nothing if not a curious glance at life’s rich pageant. (Ray Brewer’s down on the patio, yukking it up, right now.)

By the way, if you have a bookshelf you’d like to sell me, or some kitschy art, drop a line.

And, by all means, buy yourself an Ergo-mat Memory Foam Mouse Mat. Your wrists will thank you.

(Aug. 9 update: dag!)

Some of the affiliated links are a bit granola-crunchy for my tastes, but, overall, there’s a good deal of interesting stuff from a left/liberal/progressive POV here. Lit mags, book reviews, online reading sources, etc.

Movies that you will like

I’m always on the lookout for experiences to add to my life, things I that I don’t excel at, but can claim as part of my overall portfolio of unpaid eccentricities, curious side projects and occasionally accomplished daydreams. In recent times, “film actor” has wheedled its way onto this steadily growing list of absurd, non-resume pursuits, alongside cookbook packer, backyard fighter and club DJ. So, over the last couple years, I was cast (admittedly, by friends, they are so kind to me) in a couple, locally-produced feature films. Strangely, both will be screening around town over a three-day period, in about a month’s time.

On Saturday, July 30, “Hooch & Daddy-O” will be presented at the Pageant. This will be the second time the mockumentary has screened and technical fixes have made since the well-attended Tivoli debut. In this one, I’m Mike.

On Monday, August 1, “The Bunglers” will be shown at the Tivoli, part of a new series by Cinema St. Louis to highlight local feature productions. It’s spun around town at fun places like Frederick’s Music Lounge and the Venice Cafe. In this one, I’m Michael.

With the “comedy” genre now doubly satisfied, I look for “anime,” “western” and “foreign” film opportunities. And the chance to finally crack Dare to dream!


Though a holiday in these parts, the radio programme still airs tonight, with Michael Levinson of Build St. Louis, who recently spoke for 52-straight minutes at the “Free Candy” show – or 22-minutes longer than our weekly episode! We’ll see how this young man with big ideas can condense his message into soundbite-sized morsels. Tonight: 7:30-8:00 p.m., KHDX 88.1 fm.


It’s at least twice a week that I hear, “Thomas, what are your favorite magazines?” And after a wild magazine buying spree over the last week, I’ve got some new titles to add to the old standbys.

Topic: A really nice quarterly that delves into one particular, well, topic. Last issue it was “families,” two issues ago, “food.” Great writing.

Maisonneuve: A stellar Canadian mag that neighbor Stefene turned me onto a few issues back, when it featured a phenomenal story on the East Side, of all things; same edition had a riveting story on the late heavyweight fighter, Jerry Quarry. Every issue’s a read-through, from cover-to-cover. Gotta love Canadians.

Paste: Solid music mag for old folks like me, with a nice compilation DVD and compilation CD in each issue. I’ve been turned onto a healthy dose of new stuff through those. Also some film coverage, as well as books and new media.

Kitchen Sink: Oakland-based and a newie-to-me, which Andrea just sent along. Found an issue at the Borders in Brentwood. (D’oh.) Wide variety of stuff for “people who think too much.”

The Big Takeover: A longstanding favorite for new music, with about two issues a year. Since it takes a good couple months to read each, that’s not a bad thing.

Devil in the Woods: Not a bad pop music title. Picked up issue #20 in the aforementioned, guilty, quite large Borders buy. The site’s got some decent music for sale, too, including a Denali live CD. Tasty. Like every third mag in the music section this week, Sleater-Kinney is featured on the cover.

The Nation: Of course. So much added web content!

Jim Shrewsbury on The Wire

The President of the St. Louis Board of Aldermen, Jim Shrewsbury, will be our guest on The Wire tonight, 7:30-8:00 p.m. Lots of possible talking points, including the suit involving Marcia Behrendt and Roger Plackemeier, the amusement tax on local sports teams, the reorganization of NSOs and an update on the “animal house” fundraising efforts. Do tune in.

Misc. vol. 1

For those who’ve not seen the Sauce column, I took on the monthly “Noteworthy” feature over about four issues back. They’re now posted online and here’s the latest

Just wrote about a funky little place called the Francois Cognac and Cigar Bar, this time for the P-D…

Added a couple links this week, too:

Dylan Hassinger, a student of mine at Webster U. last term and host of the KDHX late-night/early-morning show “Good Times,” is now publishing a blog about City issues and events. It’s called It’s off to a good start and I look forward to seeing more…

Also dropped in the blog of my favorite cereal dealer, Shannon McGinn

And since there was a KDHX note above, should note that Jeannette Batz Cooperman, the new editor of St. Louis Magazine, will be our guest on “The Wire” this Monday night at 7:30 p.m….

Think that covers it for now.