I’ve been asked to take part in the long-running Metropolis book project, The Read, which will be held on Thursday, March 29, from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. I’ll be reading from and discussing selections from the book, “Gaslight Square: An Oral History.”
Books will be available that evening at the site, and are currently available via Left Bank Books, among other local retailers. You can certainly attend sans book, as well.
The event will be held, intriguingly, in one of the new homes built in the Gaslight Square development, at 4135 Olive. It’s a furnished, but unsold unit, so this is an opportunity to take a peek inside one of the new spaces along the historic block. That’s something I’ve yet to do, myself, so I’ll be interested in doing so in just three weeks. I certainly have some feelings about that project, and this evening’ll provide a perfect backdrop to have that discussion and more.