“Silver Tray”

Whereby, it is the season of giving,
Whereby, my basement needs cleaning,
Whereby, the Unconscious play on Xmas,

I am making this one-time, low-dough offer of “Silver Tray” zines, a three-edition cycle of fanzines printed in St. Louis in the late ’90s. These rare gems contain articles (and artwork) by and about: the Urge, the Boorays, Enormous Richard, Corporate Humour, Tim McAvin, the Eyes, the Nukes, Sinister Dane and other STL bands of the 1980s and 1990s. For superfans, the title of mag was a nod to an Unconscious song of the same name.

Two dollars US for shipping and handling. Or free, if we live close and can arrange a handoff.

I would love to move the remaining, yes, 49 sets of this three-headed release.

Peace (and zines) be with you.

4 thoughts on ““Silver Tray”

  1. speaking of ER, i recently found an old tape i recorded off kdhx back 91 and it has them playing live at the tap room for a fundraiser. they finished up with their songs about steve pick and you mr. crone. something about you “always out there scene-ing” was in the chorus i believe. i may have to convert that to digital and share…

  2. Dale – Chris King says that show was the first ever played at the Tap Room. Please digitize and upload!

    Butler – did you/do you know somebody in Jestsons? Methinks that Mr. Groetsch and I played a Bernard Pub show with them back in, oh, 1963, or so. And, by the way, the issues are free to you, so don’t get too picky on content!

  3. It’s complicated. A friend of the wife has a husband who was in the band.

    It would be a nice gift.

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