Apparently, I am now the faculty sponsor for the inline roller hockey club at Webster University. I have never seen the group play, nor do I even know where they skate, nor am I convinced an adjunct can sign off on such a move.
My introduction to this athletic unit was via an e-mail with a former student, who was recommended to me by a current student because, apparently, I’m “kinda cool and into sports.” That I can live with. The student getting the signature, a member of the club, I assume, got that Hancock after simply walking into my class during session. That I cannot live with. Having never experienced such an odd, on-campus “howdy-do,” I simply tossed my name down in ink and shooshed him from the room. Man. Kids today.
Guess things are as official as they’re going to be. I will certainly announce upcoming… matches? Games? What do roller hockey players play, exactly?
So, nothing to add but: “Go, go, Gorloks.”
I blame the MTV and those damn videa games.