Art Book?

There’s an art book of mine going around town.

Current person in possession, unknown.

Return, appreciated, as I have been without it for so long.


Needs. We all got ’em.

Here’s my current list of needs. How can you help me?

I need a small boat, which can access about 30-feet of calm Mississippi River water. And another boat that can go out about 100-yards into same waterway, where the current’s much more active.

I need access to a funeral parlor on three, maybe four, Saturdays this fall. An out-of-business funeral parlor would be ideal.

I need someone to help me figure out how to hook up a PXL2000 camera to a Flip.

I need to contact some people. And I need some to contact me. Are you one? Let’s talk.

There are more, but let’s keep things focused an lean: boat, funeral parlor, Pixelvision, communication.


The monthly does of varied tips, raves, gripes and miscellaneous musings of mid-quality will return in July, after the month of June off. During that just-passed month, I shoveled mega-amounts of coal into these fine places:

I leave you, though, with a trailer clip from the greatest show on television, Silent Library, which has replaced soccer in the center of my heart:

Sleepy Sun

Caught this band last week at Off Broadway, after discovering them only a couple weeks prior. As there were only about 76 people at the show, it’s unlikely you were there. I hope to see you next time.

Bye-Bye Soccer

STLUtdGroupA pair of weekends back, my soccer coaching efforts paused, at least for the next year, or so. After seven years of whistling and cajoling and wheedling camp opportunities and driving car loads of Somalis and occasionally yelling, it seemed a good time to stop, to pursue those always-vague “other opportunities.” Mind you, the time spent with the kids, in retrospect, was totally worthwhile. Knew that all along.

Worked with maybe 75-80 kids over that time, in multiple city parks, on playing surfaces that could sometimes be called, generously, “rough.” There were memorable rainstorms, a handful of road trips, occasional flashes of brilliance and lots of just, plain, simple nice afternoons and evenings spent with the game. But all good things come to an end. I’m thankful for the folks that entrusted their kids to me; and am thankful to the kids themselves, who taught me quite a bit about patience and perseverance. Still not sure I can run a decent practice session, but I do know how to handle young personalities a whole lot better than before.

With the coaching portion of soccer behind me, for the moment, I’ve been toying with a concept. Almost a project. Certainly a radical one, on a purely personal level.

Of late, I’ve come to question the value of taking in professional sports, whether in person, or watching/listening at home. If I were to count the amount of hours spent on just watching soccer on TV, or at some quarter-full stadium, I’d probably start crying. If the time spent, alone, on watching the World Cup over the years came back to me, my book shelves would be completely read, my attempts to watch the 100 greatest films would be finito… who knows how many half-baked projects, currently stacking up to my eyeballs, might be done, or at least in a better state of completion and organization? Yikes.

As of 12:15 CST, Wednesday, June 9, I’m toying with sitting out the World Cup, FIFA South Africa 2010. No TV. No internet check-ups. No trips to Barrister’s, The Amsterdam, O.B. Clark’s. No Germany matches. No U.S. matches. No finals or knockout rounds. No talking about the game. Nothing. Nada. In soccer parlance, nil.

Can it be done?

Will check back in a month on this, right around the time that pre-season training for the Cabrini teams will start. Ugh.

Playing Deejay

Just spent some money on records. Joy! Now with updates.

Radio: Wednesday, May 19, Juxtaposition, 7-9 p.m., (ah, yes, did this one)
Radio: Friday, May 21, Silver Tray, 12-2 p.m., (got sick, couldn’t)
Club: The Royale, Friday, May 21, 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. (plowed through)

Radio: Wednesday, May 26, Juxtaposition, 7-9 p.m., (Rob’s back!)
Club: Thursday, May 27, Bottleworks, 8-11 p.m. (club’s going with live music… scratch)
Radio: Friday, May 28, Silver Tray, 12-2 p.m., (so far as I know)
Club: Friday, May 28, The Halo Bar 10 p.m.-3 a.m. (please join me and drink on my tab)

April’s 13

Is it still April? Oh. Good. Shew.

Questions, open: I really need some questions. Can you help me?

Slow web reading, “11 Ways Tomorrow’s Internet Will Change Everything“: Looking for a size-8 tinfoil cap over here!

Obsessions, “Wax Poetics” magazine: When you get close enough to start thinking about finishing out the up-to-now complete set of a magazine, but then realize that you have, reasonably, about $200 of investing to do… well, you have hit a crossroads in life and in prioritizing, friends.

Bands, Nada Surf: Been a fan since “Popular” put them on the Point-ey map, though they’ve never been in that must-listen-all-the-time vein. But they’re cover of “Enjoy the Silence” from the new “If I Had a Hi-Fi” may put them back into heavier, personal rotation. And you have to love their ingenious website.

Conundrums, rain barrels: How long would you wait to connect with that one guy who makes free-to-you rain barrels before figuring that you might not get one this year even with some heavy spring rains to come? I’m figuring on another week, before officially flipping out.

Lenten sacrifices, Phuc Loi: The hardest part about giving up restaurant food for Lent? No visits to Phuc Loi. Just looking at these pictures wasn’t quite enough.

New garden experiment, onion patch: Planting onions might just be the signal that middle-age is all-encompassing and official. But they’re so fun to plant! And I don’t children, so watch else to watch grow?

Moral reprehensibility, “Kick-Ass”: Roger Ebert’s got it right. And, yet, it was still fun to watch. Yet awful and icky. Yet fun.

Purchases, cable TV: It’s back. Been nice knowing all of you.

Energy drinks, “Lime Wrecker” by Rip It Energy Fuel: Only 99-cents for immediate headache induction and crash-ready sugar rush. Oh, yeah! (More on this soon, elsewhere.)

Books, “The Soccer Book“: Like, the best book on soccer. Wow. Buy it for that special person in your life. (And that’s not me, as someone special already made that buy, thanks.)

Marathons, movies: Inspired by a recent fundraiser from Cinema St. Louis, I’m moved to try a 16-hour cycle of films, with no particular form, other than something light for the waking-up, pre-noon hours. With school about to end, this will happen soon. Very soon. And “Scarface” factors heavily in the planning.

Second seasons, “Flight of the Conchords”: If “I Told You I Was Freaky” isn’t the best thing to ever air on TV… well, I can’t accept another possibility.