DJ and radio updates, yes. So many important messages to spread.
Thursday, December 25: A Christmas present for me, this one, as I get to spin a night’s set with Jim Utz. As J is still a vinyl purist, I’m breaking out only the platters for this one. Who wants to drink on my tab?
Friday, December 27: With the Pale Divine show coming up at the Pageant, I’ll be joined in-studio during Silver Tray by PD/Eyes frontman Michael Schaerer, who’ll be performing some cuts live. This all came together in about five-minutes last night. (Update: got motivated enough to write this up at KDHX’s blog. Clickey.)
Monday, December 29: The gig I’ve discussed here continually of late is back “on,” as I’ll be spinning records at the Halo after: the Nukes, Pale Divine and, then, The Follow in the Halo Bar. Would imagine I’ll start sometime on Tuesday morning, which is a treat, indeed, on a school night. For some reason, I recall the name of The Follow, but cannot place a tune. Soon enough, I suppose, I shall.
Friday, January 2: Silver Tray at noon, with a no-nostalgia-themed show. And, then, at night, a chance to spin at The Wedge. Thanks, Tyson B. Looking at a first Fridays thing there, so no better time to start than in January. Nice.
Friday, January 9: Silver Tray at noon, then… before the Lettucheads play their pitch-perfect pop at the Tap Room, Chris King and I will be playing old-fashioned cassette tapes on a boombox, while presiding over a dead rock band swap meet at Schafly’s home branch. He’s blogged about this extensively and I’ll defer to his notes on the event.
And lastly, a New York Twitter pal noted this about Silver Tray’s most recent episode: “is the musical equivalent of smoking in the rain on your porch.” I think that’s a compliment. And, even if not, I like it and wish to trademark it.