Won’t lie, I find this quite a downer, though I also wish best of luck to all parties involved. FPM kept alive the long, great tradition of St. Louis bands who’d create a worthwhile holiday party by playing on Thanksgiving (or, in other cases, on Christmas), a group that included The Urge, The Unconsious and Brian Henneman. Seriously enjoyed every show these guys played in my presence and am glad I caught multiple gigs over the past few years, at venues as odd as Topshooters,the Lucas School House and even the Wesport Playhouse.
Greetings, friends.
At this time of year we usually take the opportunity to inform you, our fans, about our upcoming Thanksgiving show. This year, however, is different. Instead, we have two serious announcements about the future of Fragile Porcelain Mice.
First, because of various circumstances, we will not be performing our annual Thanksgiving show this year. This news is a great disappointment to us–not just because we won’t be performing, but because we look forward to meeting up and chatting with all of our loyal fans who have celebrated the holiday of turkey and rock with us over the years.
Second, after much discussion we have decided that Fragile Porcelain Mice will no longer continue as a creative entity. This means that FPM will no longer be writing, recording, or performing new material. The door is still open for some shows; however, we have no plans to perform together in the near future.
We hope you understand. We are grateful for all your support throughout the many years. We hope to see you again.
Dave, Mark, Scott, and Tim: Fragile Porcelain Mice

The holidays will never be the same…