SLIFF volunteer meetup

It’s possible – nay likely – that you’ve long wondered what the office of Cinema St. Louis looked like. Well, I even wondered. But now that I’m logging some office time there, I realize that it’s got desks, shelves, phones, countless DVDs, and a few people working amidst the rest. And, on this coming Tuesday, hopefully a whole host of volunteers will be up in there, too, all of whom’ll be signing up for SLIFF shifts for the Nov. 8-18 event.

Need to knows:
Tuesday, October 23, 5-7:30 p.m.
Cinema St. Louis offices at the Centene Center for the Arts
3547 Olive, one half-block east of Grand in Grand Center
SLIFF schedule at the new site:
Added info at:

And you wondered how that Centene Center renovation went, too, right? Well, heck, come on down…