
Do you hear a faint sound from Webster Groves? The rapping, tickling and tapping of keyboards as students finish up their Final Exam for Intro to Media Writing?

It’s the last class of term. Taking place right now. Two-hours and ten-minutes left.

And then, for this adjunct, school’s out for summer.

Michael Berube on St. Louis

If not mistaken, Aaron Belz sent me this essay on St. Louis, recently penned by avid blogger, academic and author Michael Berube. I’m glad that he did.

This is one of the most intriguing and acerbic looks at St. Louis that I’ve read in a while, enough of an interesting read that I passed it along to both of my classes at Webster (local civics and media writing), despite the odd bits of obscenity. I’d venture to say the man knows more about the deep history of this town than most natives. Enjoy.

National Conference for Media Reform

The National Conference for Media Reform is coming to St. Louis this weekend, running from Friday-Sunday. I’m involved on two itsy-bitsy, teeny-tiny levels.

Tonight, Amanda Doyle and I will interview Free Press Executive Director Josh Silver on The Wire, from 7:30-8:00 p.m. on KDHX 88.1 fm.

On Saturday, I’ll be “facilitating” (love that word) a caucus discussion on how local media entities can better distribute their information as well as how they can work together in more effective fashion. That conversation will take place from 4:00-5:30, as part of a series of break-out sessions. Not sure of the exact participants at this time, though I’d imagine a combination of SJR, ACC and IMC types.

(How are you enjoying my hotlinking practice today? Me, too.)

Blogging about blogging!

I wanted to jump into the subgenre immediately, by noting that yesterday’s first post – clearly inserted onto my page by some sort of “computer hacker” – was quickly sussed out by and, by extension,

“Thomas Crone has redesigned his website using Blogger. He’s got lots of fun links and clips up there, and a lone blog entry that seems to indicate that he is excited by yarn. (The fact that the entry refers to ‘my knitting group’ and includes the word ‘awesome’ and an exclamation point leads me to believe that someone else wrote it. Julia?)”

Perhaps it was a slow news day, but we’re honored to be recognized here at America’s top, new Thomas Crone site!

Knitting group

It’s such a fun day, sitting here at Hartford Coffee Company with my knitting group. We’re working on some awesome projects today and have incorporated a few new yarns that have me really excited. Can’t wait to see the results!