There’s more info on this elsewhere on the web, but I’ll note that the Indie Rock Swap Meet will be held at the Tap Room this Friday, January 9, from 7 – 9 p.m. While co-curator/deejay Chris King claims to not have much to actually offer in the affair, I can officially say that much of my basement will be there for the taking on Friday night. In fact, for much of this stuff, I’m not even looking for anything in return; just take the discs and run. Please!
Available for perusal:
* The entire, three-issue run of the late “Silver Tray” fanzine, which I published, gosh, in the late ’90s, or so. Articles by-and-about bands like the Unconscious, Corporate Humour, Stranded Lads, the Eyes, etc.
* A boxload of local CDs from local acts, mostly in the mid-to-late ’90s vein, including several compilations and countless one-offs, singles and odds’n’sods studio projects. It’s quite a ridiculous batch of stuff, in total, from Wayne Shorter to Sammy and the Snowmonkeys. While I confess to cherry-picking the collection just now – oh, there’s that Tribes with Knives CD! and if that Pyschviolet CD didn’t just show up! – there’s still a wealth of weirdness to pour over.
The Lettuceheads play at 9 p.m., as well, the first of three acts on the bill that night. You can sample some Lettuceheads music here and here.